Kybella Injection Houston

Dr. Mirwat Sami offers Kybella® for Houston patients. Watch how Dr. Sami administers Kybella® treatment:

Posted by Melissa Wilson FOX 26 on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

No more double chin!



Kybella® (deoxycholic acid) injection is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of moderate to severe submental fullness (“double-chin”).

Submental fullness can be caused by aging, genetics and/or weight gain.

Kybella® destroys fat cells

Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

Kybella® is a non-surgical procedure, has minimal downtime/recovery time, requires a quick office visit, and is safe and effective.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sami, please do not hesitate to contact us at 713-668-1264 so we can help enhance your life.

How does Kybella® work?

When injected into subcutaneous fat, Kybella® causes the destruction of fat cells and once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

The active ingredient in Kybella® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

Fat destroyed after the injections is flushed from the body naturally, resulting in a gradual shedding of excess fat that causes a double chin.

Dr. Sami explains how injectable Kybella® treatments can help patients reduce a double chin.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

At the time of your consultation, Dr. Sami will help you determine how many treatment sessions you need based on the amount and distribution of your submental fat and your personal treatment goals.

Each treatment should be scheduled approximately four to six weeks apart from each other. Once the desired aesthetic response is achieved, re-treatment is not expected.

How soon will I see results?

The process of destroying fat cells with injections is not immediate. Results improve slowly over time, and best results are most noticeable about four to six weeks after the last treatment.

Can I combine treatments?

Patients can certainly have other treatments done at the same visit, such as injectable fillers and Botox® if desired.

What are the adverse reactions?

The most common adverse reactions of Kybella® include: swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area.

Kybella® can cause serious side effects, including trouble swallowing and nerve injury in the jaw that can cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness.


Kybella® treatments vary in cost from practice to practice. Additionally, the final price of Kybella® is affected by the number of treatment sessions required to achieve each patient’s aesthetic goals.

Dr. Sami is warm, and personable, and a bright Dr. wanting her patients to look and feel their best.

Read More Testimonials

View the beautiful results of Kybella® below!

Kybella® before and after photos.
Kybella® before and after photos.

Unretouched photos of clinical trial patient taken before and after treatment with Kybella® (deoxycholic acid) injection.
Sex: F
Age: 35
Weight (before): 115.5 lbs.
Weight (after): 113.2 lbs.

Individual results may vary.


Kybella® before and after photos.
Kybella® before and after photos.

Unretouched photos of clinical trial patient taken before and after treatment with Kybella® (deoxycholic acid) injection.

Sex: M
Age: 34
Weight (before): 170 lbs.
Weight (after): 179.5 lbs.

Individual results may vary.


Kybella® before and after photos.
Kybella® before and after photos.

Unretouched photos of clinical trial patient taken before and after treatment with Kybella® (deoxycholic acid) injection.

Sex: F
Age: 39
Weight (before): 125 lbs.
Weight (after): 130 lbs.

Individual results may vary.

Visit Our Photo Gallery


If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sami regarding Kybella® in Houston, please do not hesitate to contact us at 713-668-1264 so we can help enhance your life.