Orbital Tumors Houston

At Houston Oculofacial Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX, we understand the importance of properly diagnosing and treating orbital tumors. Dr. Mirwat S. Sami is a board-certified ophthalmologist who specializes in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery and has the experience and skill needed to properly diagnose and treat orbital tumors.

What Are Orbital Tumors?

An orbital tumor refers to any tumor, mass, or space-occupying lesion located in the “orbit,” the bony socket in the skull that contains the eye and other ocular structures. The important thing to remember is that the orbit is a complicated and delicate structure that includes the eye, extraocular muscles, optic nerve, and the fatty tissue in between all these structures. It is also close to other vital structures, including the brain and sinuses.

Types of Orbital Tumors

Although orbital tumors are rare, they can affect children and adults. They can be benign or malignant lesions. These tumors may arise primarily from within the orbital structures or from an adjacent source such as the eyelid, the sinuses, or the brain. Alternatively, metastatic tumors from other parts of the body can also travel to the orbit. There are a variety of different types of orbital tumors, including:

  • Sarcomas
  • Meningiomas
  • Osteomas
  • Schwannomas
  • Hemangiomas
  • Lymphangiomas
  • Optic gliomas

Fortunately, most orbital tumors are benign but need treatment to preserve vision and treat any deformity.

Symptoms and Signs

The orbit is a compact, crowded space where even a tiny tumor can cause significant signs and symptoms. Some of them are:

  • Proptosis or exophthalmos. This refers to a forward displacement or bulging of the eyeball
  • Double vision due to either involvement of the muscles of the eye by the tumor or a mass effect or displacement of these muscles
  • Change in vision or color perception
  • Pressure pain. This is due to pressure on sensory orbital nerves
  • Eyelid swelling and redness
  • Visible or palpable mass

Diagnosing Orbital Tumors

Most often, when an orbital tumor is suspected, the first step in diagnosis is neuroimaging with either a CT scan or MRI of the area, but confirmation of the nature of the lesion ultimately requires a biopsy. 

Treating Orbital Tumors

The treatment is tailored to the type of tumor, benign or malignant, and also varies by age group. In many cases, surgical treatment is required, whereby, using the latest techniques and instruments, these tumors can be safely excised. In some cases, other medical treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, might also be recommended.

If surgery is the best option, it is important to find a qualified ophthalmologist who specializes in surgical eye procedures in order to ensure the tumor is safely and properly removed. Dr. Mirwat S. Sami specializes in surgical procedures for orbital tumors and can provide you with the best possible care.

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You can expect to experience some side effects after the procedure, like swelling and discomfort. These issues will subside over time and can be managed with medication during the initial phase of your recovery. You must allow your body to rest as much as possible and to take it easy throughout your recovery. It will take around six weeks before you can resume most of your normal activities.

Schedule a Consultation

At Houston Oculofacial Plastic Surgery, we pride ourselves on our compassionate patient care, our sensitivity and understanding of each patient’s needs, and our drive for excellence.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mirwat Sami, please do not hesitate to contact us at 713-668-1264.