What Is A Liquid Face Lift and Is It Right For Me?

Published on October 16, 2015

Seeking BlepharoplastyLast Modified: 10/16/15

A liquid facelift is a method of reducing the signs of aging and restoring the natural beauty of a person to the state they were in many years previously.

This is carried out using what are known as dermal fillers.

As we age, our faces tend to lose volume. In addition the skin loses its’ elasticity. Combine this with sun damage which also occurs as we age, and your face begins to show wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet around the edges of the eyes, and in many cases much more. In addition, the aging process means that fat is lost and the muscles work closer to the surface of the skin, and the facial skin also stretches, compounding the problem.

There are many surgical procedures that can be used to counteract the effect of aging, and produce a much younger, fresher looking face. However, many people would prefer not to go under the knife, and seek other methods of achieving the same effect.

One of these procedures is known as a liquid facelift (fillers) and the procedure is carried out by injecting a product under the surface of the skin. There are different types of dermal fillers, but all are designed to achieve the same end. Depending on the suitability of the patient, dermal fillers can be used to stave off the requirement for surgery for some years.

Dermal fillers can be used to soften the appearance of wrinkles and creases in the skin, help to diminish the appearance of scars, improve shallow contours, and plump up thin lips.

Who Is A Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers?

You may be a good candidate for dermal fillers if you are in good physical shape, have a positive outlook, and do not smoke.

Are All Dermal Fillers The Same?

No, they are not. There are several different types of dermal fillers, but all are designed to achieve the same end. Some dermal fillers are temporary, while others are described as semi-permanent. The Hyaluronic Acid fillers that are used at Houston Oculofacial Plastic Surgery – known for short as HA – are temporary fillers, but are some of the most popular fillers available.

Some types of dermal fillers are softer than others. More robust fillers might be used to enhance the cheek are, for example, while the softer ones would be used to plump up lips.

There is also the possibility of using fat injections, which use fat harvested from the patient’s own body. This is achieved by extracting fat from the buttocks or abdomen, for instance, using liposuction, and the fat is then inserted into the face. The results for fat injections are rather less predictable than for other types of fillers.

Exactly which type of filler would be used will depend on the surgeon’s assessment of the individual patient, together with the patient’s requirements.

How Long Do they Last?

HA fillers typically last for nine months to a year. Fat fillers are reabsorbed into the body, and the length of time that they last will depend upon the individual’s rate of re-absorption.

What Is the Procedure For Liquid Facelifts (Fillers)?

At your initial consultation you will need to tell the surgeon your goals, explain what type of medication you take (if any), and any allergies. The surgeon will also want to know about any herbal remedies you might take, and whether you smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs.

He or she will also want to know about any prior facial rejuvenation treatment you have received including surgery, Botox, other fillers, or laser treatments. In addition, the surgeon will evaluate any health conditions or risk factors. Any risks of complications will also be explained to you.

The first step is to analyze the face and evaluate your skin tone and facial appearance. The areas of your face to be treated will be closely examined, and the surgeon, or his assistant, may take photographs. The injection sites may be marked on your face with a marker pen.

The injection sites will then be cleaned with an antibacterial agent.

The injections are performed after application of topical anesthetics to the skin and the injections themselves also contain local anesthetics – as a result most patients tolerate them very well.

The injections only take a matter of moments at each injection site, and depending on the number of sites, the whole process is unlikely to take more than an hour, and may be as brief as 15 minutes.

Any facial markings will then be cleaned off. Some patients might feel minor discomfort for a day or so, but not to the extent that pain killers would be required.

The areas that have been filled may have some associated swelling and bruising for a few hours or days. However, if the filler is fat harvested from your body, the recovery process is longer, and could be a few weeks.

Are There Any Risks Involved With Liquid Facelifts (Fillers)?

There are always inherent risks in any form of facial rejuvenation, but in the case of dermal fillers, they are minimal. You will need to make up your mind if you consider that having dermal fillers will achieve your objectives. You will need to sign a consent form before the surgeon will carry out any procedures.

The surgeon will fully advise you of any possible complications.

Among the possible risks are bruising from the injection sites; damage to the skin involving possible scarring; skin eruptions similar to acne; infection of the injection sites; under, or over, correction of wrinkles; skin rash or redness.

However, it has to be said that complications with the injection of dermal fillers are extremely rare.

Most dermal fillers do diminish over time, and in order to retain your appearance you will need to have further treatments from time to time.

It is also important to note that if you have dermal filler treatment over a long period of time, and then stop, your skin and facial features may look worse than before you started. This is simply because of the natural process of aging.

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