Aging Gracefully In Today’s World

Published on August 28, 2015

Last Modified: 08/28/15

It is a basic fact of the human condition that there is one thing that we cannot escape..the aging process. Indeed, we are all aging from the moment that we are born.

However, when one is young, one looks good and feels energetic and good about oneself. In fact, unless one is in a profession where it matters, such as modeling, or acting, most people probably don’t give a lot of consideration to how they look, or certainly to how they FEEL about how they look, just unconsciously knowing that their skin looks youthful, and for the most part, they feel fit and healthy.

However, time passes, and as it does, our skin ages and starts to give indications that we are not as young as once we were.

Creases and lines around the eyes can start to develop as early as in our 30s. Many people call these laughter lines, but the truth is that as we age our skin becomes less supple and begins to sag. The older we get, the more prominent these lines become. Bags can start to form under the eyes. We develop wrinkles, which are simply folds of skin that have suffered from the passage of time.

These obvious signs of aging – especially in the face – can have a serious mental effect on many people. Although the old joke is that the only two things inevitable in life are death and taxes, we certainly don’t want to think about the first of these, but every time we look in the mirror we realize that we are a day or two further down the road.

However, in the 21st century, there is no reason whatever to have this daily reminder, since – while the aging process itself cannot be stopped – the SIGNS of aging most certainly can. Aging gracefully in today’s world is within everybody’s reach.

How Can The Signs Of Aging Be Stopped?

Aging gracefully in today’s world can be achieved by a whole range of facial and neck surgery which will make any individual look ten or fifteen years younger, or more, than he or she actually is.

Take the actress, Joan Collins, for instance – or Dame Joan Collins, as she now is. She was born on May 23rd 1933, which makes her 81, yet she doesn’t look more than 55. She has achieved this through having various carefully planned surgical procedures over the years, all of which are available to anyone.

What Sort Of Procedures Do You Mean?

There are several procedures commonly known as “lifts”, such as eyelid lifts, face lifts, and so on, that have the effect of removing and/or stretching baggy and sagging skin, which restores the youthful appearance we once had. Get rid of the wrinkles, and you simply look years younger – feel and look better inside and out.

Several procedures can achieve the effect that you want. Among these are the following:

Blepharoplasty is a common procedure these days, and is otherwise known as an eyelid lift. Age-related changes can result in excess skin in the upper eyelid, and also droopy eyelids, where the muscle that lifts the eyelid has simply weakened over the years and it is now unable to perform its function properly. It can also be caused by damage to the nerve that controls the muscle, and a number of other underlying causes.

Blepharoplasty removes redundant or extra sagging skin from the eyelid, and also reduces and repositions pockets of fat, which results in the eyes having a much more youthful appearance, as the wrinkles are gone. It can also correct droopy eyelids – or ptosis – which in some cases can seriously affect the patient’s vision.

Blepharoplasty can also be performed on the lower eyelid. Again, changes due to aging can cause wrinkles and loose eyelids which give the appearance of being tired all the time, and can even make a person look angry, tired or stressed. In addition, the fat pockets can bulge and move forward which results in bags,hollows and “dark circles” under the eyes.

Corrective surgery will remove the extra skin, and sculpt or reposition fat, resulting in a much more youthful appearance. In some cases, the ligaments of the eyelid may be tightened in addition.

Procedures such as this are typically performed under local anesthetic, or light intravenous sedation. Downtime is very low, and the resulting change in appearance can be dramatic.

What About Botox?

Botox injections are another extremely popular way of removing wrinkles and frown lines in the short term. The injections of Botox have the effect of temporarily paralyzing the muscles which cause wrinkles, crow’s feet, frown lines, and so on, preventing them from contracting. The injections are virtually painless, and the results can be seen within a week. Overall, the effects will last for anywhere between three and six months, depending on the individual.

Dermal fillers are another very popular procedure where there is hollowness in various areas, again caused by the aging process. They can used to plump up thin lips, remove wrinkles and frown lines, soften facial creases, enhance shallow contours, and even reduce the appearance of scars.

They are said to give the effect of a small surgical facelift without any of the downtime. The other advantage is that the effects are immediate.

Many other conditions can be treated surgically by your oculoplastic surgeon. Entropion is an age-related condition where the eyelid margin rolls inward towards the cornea. This causes rubbing of the cornea with the eyelashes, which in turn results in red, sore eyes, and can make them sensitive to light.

Ectropion is another condition or eyelid malposition in which the outer edge of the eyelid rolls away from the eye. This results in the inside of the eyelid being visible, with poor protection of the eyeball, resulting in exposure, tearing, severe dry eyes, redness and irritation. If left untreated, both these conditions can, in some cases, lead to blindness.

These, and many more conditions affecting the eyes and the area around them can be treated in Houston, TX, using procedures that, from the patient’s point of view, are simple and straightforward.

Aging gracefully in today’s world is no longer beyond the reach of anyone. For more information on these, or other procedures, simply click on the Contact Us link above.